Moving Tips To Take The Stress Out of Your Move

Moving Tips To Take The Stress Out of Your Move

Moving Tips To Take The Stress Out of Your Move MCHA

Moving is one of the most stressful events we encounter in life, but it is often a necessity due to marriage, employment or family situations. In fact, the average person will move 12 times over the course of their lifetime. Unfortunately, a poorly planned or disorganized move can make the experience harder than it has to be. Whether you are moving to the other side of town or across the country, these tips can help make your move a little less stressful.

Two Months before the Move

Two months prior to the move is the perfect time to relax and develop a strategy to deal with the various stages of the moving process.

* De-Clutter: Clean and eliminate any items that are broken, worn out or obsolete. Downsizing before packing will save time on both ends of the move. You’ll save money as well so be sure to get rid of anything you don’t need. Call a charity and arrange for a pickup donation if you want to give away anything of value.

* Hire a Moving Company: If you are going to use a moving company, this is a good time to research different options, acquire pricing and schedule the move. You will have to reserve a rental truck if you plan on completing the move yourself.

*Expecting Some Stress: Accepting the fact that moving is a taxing experience will help prepare your mind and body for the challenges ahead.

One Month before the Move

* Purchase all the moving supplies you will need including boxes, tape, cutting tools and packing materials. Truck rental companies usually have a wide array of different moving related products.

* Change Your Address: Notify the post office, insurance companies, banks and credit card companies of your new address. Most of these changes can be conveniently completed online.

* Start Packing: Make sure that each box is marked accurately, and always keep individual rooms grouped together. This will help alleviate some of the confusion associated with the unpacking process in your new home.

One Week before the Move

*Empty the Refrigerator: Plan meals so that all the edible food in your refrigerator is used up a day or two before the move. Neighbors may be grateful for unopened condiments, canned goods and other non-perishables.

* Turn off the Utilities: Arrange for all of the utilities to be turned off one day after you move. You (or the movers) will probably need to use the facilities on moving day, and electricity may be required for heating and cooling.

* Pack a Suitcase: Every family member should pack enough clothes, accessories and toiletries to live comfortably for two weeks. If the move is just across town, two or three days worth of personal effects should suffice in the event of an unexpected delay.

The Day of the Move

When the day of your move has arrived, it’s time to reflect on all the great memories you had in your old home and prepare for a new chapter in your life. You may encounter a few unexpected problems, but a thorough moving plan will help eliminate the chance of an unanticipated catastrophe.

For more tips and a moving day checklist read here.

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August 29, 2024
Travel and Relocation
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